There isn’t a huge amount of ECDL material on the (UK) iTunes Music Store at present. Given that Sony-BMG is behind the band it would be nice to think that this would not be too hard to change and that we might see some more albums, singles and videos being added.
Nonetheless it’s probably worth running through what’s available at the moment and making a couple of recommendations for anybody starting a collection or exploring the band’s output.
So what’s there? Well curiously it’s almost all the albums, although there’s a crucial omission in that A Contracorriente isn’t there. And whilst the other studio albums - El Canto Del Loco, Estados De Animo, Zapatillas, and Personas - are there, there’s also a couple of peculiar choices in the availability of one (and only one) of the live “En Directo” series (En Directo - Sala Caracol 22-11-02) and also the single of Eres Tonto (basically only that one song though - no other tracks).
On the bright side, all the album choices (and Eres Tonto) are available as “iTunes Plus” - Apple’s high quality, DRM-free format. And there’s also our iMix for those of you who want to dip your toes in the water.
The jewel in the crown? Well for me it has to be the video for Peter Pan - a beautiful piece of work for a beautiful song; all in big, clean, widescreen glory. It looks superb fullscreen on an iPhone, believe me.
That’s really about it at the moment - It would, without question, be great to have more material on there (especially some of the bands other promo videos - and why not the live sets from the “En Directo” DVDs too for example?). We’ll obviously share any news of new arrivals in the iTMS as and when they happen here on ElCantoDelLoco.co.uk.